
Challenge III
Challenge III 's contracts
Challenge Iii

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 00:30:00 Crew cost: 50


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 2 718 800 Coins 3 Gems 64 963 3750x 726
2 2 265 700 Fish 3 Gems 64 963 3125x 726
3 1 359 400 Wood 3 Gems 64 963 1875x 726
4 543 800 Stone 3 Gems 64 963 750x 726
5 362 500 Iron 3 Gems 64 963 500x 725

Total need: Total reward: Difference
2 718 800 Coins -2 718 800 Coins
2 265 700 Fish -2 265 700 Fish
1 359 400 Wood -1 359 400 Wood
543 800 Stone -543 800 Stone
362 500 Iron -362 500 Iron
15 Gems 15 Gems
324 815 324 815

Final Reward:
2000 Sailors
Captain - Drew Carrymore +xxx capacity (10x)