Seaport Help - Helen Barbey's contracts input[type=text] { padding:none; margin: none; box-sizing: border-box; border: none; background-color: #8Dc7fD; text-align: center; color: black; }

Helen Barbey
Helen's contracts
Helen Barbey

Required level to start:305
Recommended level to start:320
Travelling time: 01:00:00 Crew cost: 130

Total capacity:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 675 000 Fish 540 000 Wood 99 000 125x
2 752 000 Coins 279 000 Iron 104 000 135x
3 10 000 Sailors 217 000 Stone 110 000 3x
4 124 000 Iron 656 000 Fish 116 000 35x
5 700 Mechanical Part 10 Gems 122 000 1x
6 303 000 Wood 960 000 Coins 129 000 60x
7 232 000 Stone 516 000 Wood 136 000 45x
8 13 000 Cocoa 325 000 Iron 143 000 2x
9 825 000 Fish 1 254 000 Coins 151 000 125x
10 10 000 Grape Vine 325 000 Stone 159 000 2x
11 912 000 Coins 1 250 000 Fish 167 000 135x
12 12 000 Sailors 10 Gems 176 000 3x
13 12 000 Cloth 600 000 Wood 185 000 2x
14 270 000 Stone 1 140 000 Coins 195 000 45x
15 164 000 Iron 867 000 Fish 205 000 35x
16 485 000 Wood 395 000 Stone 216 000 80x
17 1 130 000 Fish 404 000 Iron 227 000 140x
18 1 233 000 Coins 914 000 Wood 239 000 135x
19 15 000 Cocoa 15 Gems 251 000 2x
20 14 000 Sailors 864 000 Fish 264 000 3x
21 648 000 Stone 600 000 Iron 278 000 90x
22 13 000 Grape Vine 2 150 000 Coins 292 000 2x
23 394 000 Iron 690 000 Stone 307 000 65x
24 624 000 Wood 1 560 000 Fish 323 000 90x
25 900 Mechanical Part 15 Gems 340 000 1x
26 1 825 000 Fish 1 220 000 Wood 357 000 180x
27 2 998 000 Coins 990 000 Iron 375 000 250x
28 16 000 Sailors 610 000 Stone 394 000 3x
29 511 000 Iron 2 600 000 Coins 414 000 65x
30 15 000 Cloth 1 690 000 Fish 435 000 2x
31 827 000 Wood 15 Gems 457 000 90x
32 1 007 000 Stone 1 350 000 Wood 480 000 90x
33 4 025 000 Coins 1 180 000 Iron 504 000 280x
34 2 160 000 Fish 3 960 000 Coins 530 000 180x
35 19 000 Sailors 720 000 Stone 557 000 3x
36 16 000 Grape Vine 660 000 Iron 585 000 2x
37 717 000 Iron 1 330 000 Wood 615 000 65x
38 17 000 Cocoa 1 920 000 Fish 646 000 2x
39 1 165 000 Wood 3 850 000 Coins 679 000 100x
40 22 000 Sailors 15 Gems 713 000 3x

Total need Total reward Difference
9 920 000 Coins 15 914 000 Coins 5 994 000 Coins
6 615 000 Fish 8 807 000 Fish 2 192 000 Fish
3 404 000 Wood 6 470 000 Wood 3 066 000 Wood
2 157 000 Stone 2 957 000 Stone 800 000 Stone
1 910 000 Iron 4 438 000 Iron 2 528 000 Iron
45 000 Cocoa -45 000 Cocoa
27 000 Cloth -27 000 Cloth
39 000 Grape Vine -39 000 Grape Vine
1 600 Mechanical Part -1 600 Mechanical Part
93 000 Sailors -93 000 Sailors
80 Gems 80 Gems
12 675 000 12 675 000

Final Reward: Ship - Lerina

  Name: Lerina
Available from level 305 / Museum XP: 5 780 000 Max buyable: 1
  Needed to upgrade: You will get:
1 Helen Barbey gives it - - - -
2 - - - - - - - -
3 - - - - - - - -
4 - - - - - - - -
5 - - - - - 2 480 000 220 217
Slots in fleet: 1 Σ 0 0 0 0 0 2 480 000 - -