
's contracts

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 1 392 300 Coins 1 Crew Token 103 942 450x 3 094
2 732 380 Wood 2 Crew Token 106 107 225x 3 256
3 204 960 Iron 3 Crew Token 108 273 60x 3 416
4 7 160 Bloody Mary 4 Crew Token 110 438 3x 2 387

Total need: Total reward: Difference
1 392 300 Coins -1 392 300 Coins
732 380 Wood -732 380 Wood
204 960 Iron -204 960 Iron
7 160 Bloody Mary -7 160 Bloody Mary
10 Crew Token 10 Crew Token
428 760 428 760

Final Reward:
Captain - Universe +500% capacity (10x)