
's contracts

Required level to start:50
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 00:30:00 Crew cost: 50


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 97 Drachma 1 Gems 119 100 200x 1
2 113 Drachma 1 Gems 142 920 200x 1
3 145 Drachma 1 Gems 166 740 200x 1
4 162 Drachma 1 Gems 190 560 200x 1
5 194 Drachma 1 Gems 214 380 200x 1
6 242 Drachma 1 Gems 238 200 200x 2
7 290 Drachma 1 Gems 262 020 200x 2
8 339 Drachma 1 Gems 285 840 200x 2
9 419 Drachma 1 Gems 333 480 200x 3
10 500 Drachma 1 Gems 428 761 200x 3

Total need: Total reward:
10 Gems
2 501 Drachma
2 382 001

Final Reward: 10 Gems