
's contracts

Required level to start:200
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 00:30:00 Crew cost: 120


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 564 Drachma 1 Gems 162 409 600x 1
2 677 Drachma 1 Gems 194 891 600x 2
3 806 Drachma 1 Gems 227 373 600x 2
4 967 Drachma 1 Gems 259 855 600x 2
5 1 177 Drachma 1 Gems 292 337 600x 2
6 1 402 Drachma 1 Gems 324 819 600x 3
7 1 692 Drachma 1 Gems 357 300 600x 3
8 2 014 Drachma 1 Gems 389 782 600x 4
9 2 417 Drachma 1 Gems 454 746 600x 5
10 2 916 Drachma 1 Gems 584 674 600x 5

Total need: Total reward:
10 Gems
14 632 Drachma
3 248 186

Final Reward: 10 Gems