
Isidore Shark II
Isidore II 's contracts
Isidore Shark Ii

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 115 200 Coins 115 200 Fish 38 978 60x 1 920
2 1 960 Sun Lotion 38 100 Stone 38 978 2x 980
3 89 160 Wood 240 100 Coins 43 309 39x 2 287

Total need: Total reward: Difference
115 200 Coins 240 100 Coins 124 900 Coins
115 200 Fish 115 200 Fish
89 160 Wood -89 160 Wood
38 100 Stone 38 100 Stone
1 960 Sun Lotion -1 960 Sun Lotion
121 265 121 265

Final Reward:
5 Tom Yum
210 Lifebuoy