
Luzena Wilson
Luzena 's contracts
Luzena Wilson

Required level to start:15
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 20


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 10 010 Stone 45 100 Wood 21 654 10x 1 001
2 31 860 Coins 79 700 Fish 21 654 30x 1 062
3 17 300 Wood 34 600 Stone 23 820 15x 1 154
4 1 485 Sailors 26 700 Iron 23 820 1x
5 31 850 Fish 114 700 Coins 25 985 25x 1 274
6 2 730 Panning Bowl 15 Gold Flakes 25 985 1x 2 730
7 8 560 Iron 42 800 Stone 28 150 6x 1 427
8 47 340 Coins 71 100 Wood 28 150 30x 1 578
9 17 600 Stone 132 000 Fish 30 316 10x 1 760
10 29 580 Wood 35 500 Iron 30 316 15x 1 972
11 2 225 Sailors 200 000 Coins 32 481 1x
12 55 380 Fish 66 500 Stone 32 481 25x 2 216
13 3 640 Panning Bowl 15 Gold Flakes 34 647 1x 3 640
14 14 930 Iron 112 000 Wood 34 647 6x 2 489
15 83 730 Coins 209 400 Fish 36 812 30x 2 791
16 57 640 Stone 432 300 Coins 36 812 20x 2 882
17 88 290 Wood 88 300 Iron 38 978 30x 2 943
18 3 115 Sailors 233 400 Wood 38 978 1x
19 151 650 Fish 151 700 Stone 41 143 50x 3 033
20 2 890 Pickaxe 15 Gold Flakes 41 143 1x 2 890
21 37 860 Iron 394 400 Fish 43 309 12x 3 155
22 198 360 Coins 248 000 Wood 45 474 60x 3 306
23 69 760 Stone 104 700 Iron 47 640 20x 3 488
24 111 030 Wood 555 200 Coins 49 805 30x 3 701
25 4 150 Sailors 15 Gold Flakes 51 971 1x
26 197 150 Fish 197 200 Stone 54 136 50x 3 943
27 3 800 Pickaxe 113 800 Iron 56 301 1x 3 800
28 252 960 Coins 316 200 Wood 58 467 60x 4 216
29 54 240 Iron 565 000 Fish 60 632 12x 4 520
30 145 590 Wood 728 000 Coins 62 798 30x 4 853

Total need: Total reward: Difference
614 250 Coins 2 030 200 Coins 1 415 950 Coins
436 030 Fish 1 380 500 Fish 944 470 Fish
391 790 Wood 1 025 800 Wood 634 010 Wood
155 010 Stone 492 800 Stone 337 790 Stone
115 590 Iron 369 000 Iron 253 410 Iron
6 690 Pickaxe -6 690 Pickaxe
6 370 Panning Bowl -6 370 Panning Bowl
60 Gold Flakes 60 Gold Flakes
10 975 Sailors -10 975 Sailors
1 158 505 1 158 505

Final Reward:
20 Gold Nugget