
's contracts

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 79 320 Coins 99 200 Wood 43 309 60x 1 322
2 42 540 Wood 212 700 Coins 45 474 30x 1 418
3 1 940 Razor Blade 5 Suspenders 47 640 2x 970
4 20 880 Stone 34 800 Iron 49 805 12x 1 740
5 103 150 Fish 61 900 Stone 51 971 50x 2 063
6 18 310 Iron 286 000 Fish 54 136 8x 2 289
7 4 440 Sailors 10 Suspenders 56 301 1x
8 87 000 Wood 58 000 Iron 58 467 30x 2 900
9 198 180 Coins 247 800 Wood 60 632 60x 3 303
10 185 300 Fish 555 900 Coins 62 798 50x 3 706

Total need: Total reward: Difference
277 500 Coins 768 600 Coins 491 100 Coins
288 450 Fish 286 000 Fish -2 450 Fish
129 540 Wood 347 000 Wood 217 460 Wood
20 880 Stone 61 900 Stone 41 020 Stone
18 310 Iron 92 800 Iron 74 490 Iron
1 940 Razor Blade -1 940 Razor Blade
15 Suspenders 15 Suspenders
4 440 Sailors -4 440 Sailors
530 533 530 533

Final Reward: 30 Suspenders