
Seaport Team
Seaport Team 1 's contracts
Seaport Team

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 22 860 Iron 106 700 Coins 10 827 15x 1 524
2 78 720 Fish 88 400 Wood 10 827 41x 1 920
3 3 420 Coffee 44 400 Iron 10 827 2x 1 710
4 56 330 Stone 152 900 Fish 12 992 21x 2 683
5 161 500 Coins 5 Ship Model 12 992 53x 3 048

Total need: Total reward: Difference
161 500 Coins 106 700 Coins -54 800 Coins
78 720 Fish 152 900 Fish 74 180 Fish
88 400 Wood 88 400 Wood
56 330 Stone -56 330 Stone
22 860 Iron 44 400 Iron 21 540 Iron
3 420 Coffee -3 420 Coffee
5 Ship Model 5 Ship Model
58 465 58 465

Final Reward:
525 Seaport Logo