
Seaport Team 9 's contracts

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 102 390 Wood 185 600 Fish 28 150 48x 2 134
2 3 600 Coffee 91 700 Stone 28 150 2x 1 800
3 163 170 Fish 290 100 Coins 30 316 63x 2 590
4 4 270 Computer 89 600 Iron 30 316 2x 2 135
5 100 560 Stone 5 Ship Model 30 316 33x 3 048

Total need: Total reward: Difference
290 100 Coins 290 100 Coins
163 170 Fish 185 600 Fish 22 430 Fish
102 390 Wood -102 390 Wood
100 560 Stone 91 700 Stone -8 860 Stone
89 600 Iron 89 600 Iron
4 270 Computer -4 270 Computer
3 600 Coffee -3 600 Coffee
5 Ship Model 5 Ship Model
147 248 147 248

Final Reward:
525 Seaport Logo