Seaport Help - Holiday in Thailand Achievements

Holiday in Thailand Achievements

Rank Star Objective Reward
Seaman Collect 3 000 Magnets 30 000 Coins
Seaman Collect 6 000 Magnets 70 000 Wood
Seaman Collect 9 000 Magnets 5 Gems
Cadet Collect 6 000 Magnets 50 000 Fish
Cadet Collect 9 000 Magnets 9 000 Stone
Cadet Collect 15 000 Magnets 5 Gems
3rd officer Collect 9 000 Magnets 70 000 Coins
3rd officer Collect 15 000 Magnets 13 000 Iron
3rd officer Collect 25 000 Magnets 10 Gems

Rank Star Objective Reward
Seaman Collect 4 000 bowls of Spice 50 000 Coins
Seaman Collect 8 000 bowls of Spice 120 000 Fish
Seaman Collect 12 000 bowls of Spice 5 Gems
Cadet Collect 8 000 bowls of Spice 120 000 Wood
Cadet Collect 12 000 bowls of Spice 130 000 Coins
Cadet Collect 20 000 bowls of Spice 5 Gems
3rd officer Collect 20 000 bowls of Spice 18 000 Stone
3rd officer Collect 40 000 bowls of Spice 30 000 Iron
3rd officer Collect 80 000 bowls of Spice 10 Gems

Rank Star Objective Reward
Seaman Collect 4 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 50 000 Coins
Seaman Collect 8 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 100 000 Wood
Seaman Collect 12 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 5 Gems
Cadet Collect 8 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 20 000 Stone
Cadet Collect 12 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 130 000 Coins
Cadet Collect 20 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 5 Gems
3rd officer Collect 20 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 15 000 Iron
3rd officer Collect 40 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 100 000 Stone
3rd officer Collect 80 000 bottles of Sun Lotion 10 Gems