
Vincent Gaddis
Vincent 's contracts
Vincent Gaddis

Required level to start:20
Recommended level to start:0
Travelling time: 02:00:00 Crew cost: 30


Total capacity: Your level:

Contract Nr. Need to deliver Reward XP Bonus Required
1 76 320 Coins 159 000 Fish 21 654 60x 1 272
2 16 860 Stone 28 100 Iron 21 654 12x 1 405
3 1 955 Sailors 293 000 Coins 23 820 1x
4 13 790 Iron 51 700 Stone 23 820 8x 1 724
5 95 400 Fish 143 100 Wood 25 985 50x 1 908
6 1 730 Diving Mask 10 Plane Screw 25 985 1x 1 730
7 63 600 Wood 265 000 Fish 28 150 30x 2 120
8 1 990 Ship Reflector 39 800 Iron 28 150 1x 1 990
9 2 950 Sailors 88 400 Stone 30 316 1x
10 21 000 Iron 393 600 Coins 30 316 8x 2 625
11 2 120 Transmitter 159 000 Wood 32 481 1x 2 120
12 174 900 Coins 58 300 Iron 32 481 60x 2 915
13 37 530 Stone 390 900 Fish 34 647 12x 3 128
14 2 520 Ship Reflector 10 Plane Screw 34 647 1x 2 520
15 168 300 Fish 504 900 Coins 36 812 50x 3 366
16 166 950 Wood 133 600 Stone 36 812 45x 3 710
17 2 650 Diving Mask 63 600 Iron 38 978 1x 2 650
18 3 445 Sailors 309 900 Wood 38 978 1x
19 48 660 Iron 729 900 Coins 41 143 12x 4 055
20 79 670 Stone 663 900 Fish 41 143 18x 4 427
21 434 070 Coins 10 Plane Screw 43 309 90x 4 823
22 393 530 Fish 188 900 Stone 45 474 75x 5 248
23 68 380 Iron 512 900 Wood 47 640 12x 5 699
24 2 790 Transmitter 417 500 Fish 49 805 1x 2 790
25 277 880 Wood 148 200 Iron 51 971 45x 6 176
26 3 260 Ship Reflector 10 Plane Screw 54 136 1x 3 260
27 4 770 Sailors 858 100 Coins 56 301 1x
28 3 710 Transmitter 133 600 Stone 58 467 1x 3 710
29 601 020 Coins 601 100 Wood 60 632 90x 6 678
30 540 600 Fish 173 000 Iron 62 798 75x 7 208

Total need: Total reward: Difference
1 286 310 Coins 2 779 500 Coins 1 493 190 Coins
1 197 830 Fish 1 896 300 Fish 698 470 Fish
508 430 Wood 1 726 000 Wood 1 217 570 Wood
134 060 Stone 596 200 Stone 462 140 Stone
151 830 Iron 511 000 Iron 359 170 Iron
8 620 Transmitter -8 620 Transmitter
4 380 Diving Mask -4 380 Diving Mask
7 770 Ship Reflector -7 770 Ship Reflector
40 Plane Screw 40 Plane Screw
13 120 Sailors -13 120 Sailors
1 158 505 1 158 505

Final Reward:
20 Gold Bar